Younger & newly qualified members a focus for the coming year's retention plans

18 April 2016

The results of our current engagement study are in: focusing on younger & newly-qualified members is highly important for the coming year's retention plans.

28 professional bodies taking part in the study rated the importance of focusing on these two groups as an average of 8.4 and 8.6 out of 10, respectively.


Participating organisations range in size from under 5000 members to up to 200,000, and represent a variety of sectors including healthcare, quality and regulation, finance and financial planning, social work, science, and management.

The information that has been submitted includes perceived and measured reasons for lapsing, describes recent retention activities and outlines organisations' plans to engage these two important groups of members in the coming 12 months.

Topline results to be presented in the main stream at MemCom, 19th May.